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Emergency Management Team Meeting


I'm David Blundell and I've volunteered to be the Liaison Officer for the village should this be required (taking over from Steve Ackrill). 

The Emergency Management Team document has recently been updated which splits the village into different zones and teams.  The idea is to have a cascade system to share information in the event of an emergency. 

I know there are lots of new faces in the village (including me – my family moved here from Eastbury in 2021) and I'd like to give everyone a chance to review the plan and how it can help them and their neighbours.  It would be great to meet people face to face and agree on a contact system (such as WhatsApp) that we can use if needed. 

We will be publishing this meeting in the forthcoming Parish News, which will be circulated to all residents at the beginning of December. The event details can also be viewed by clicking the "View Event" button below. Please do take the opportunity to come along, find out what is planned and help share the cascading of information.


The meeting will be held on Wednesday 6th December in the Social Club, which is located behind the village hall, starting at 7.30 p.m.  The bar will be open before and after the meeting. 


If you have friends or neighbours in the village who are not currently involved please encourage them to come along if they would be an asset to the team or just to find out more about it. 

There is a meeting of the West Berkshire Flood Wardens on Tuesday 28th November, so we should be in a position to give an update on what the Environment Agency predicts for groundwater levels in the coming weeks.

If you are not able to make the meeting but would still be interested in getting involved, please go to the Great Shefford Emergency Management Team page and click on the "Contact Us" button.


We look forward to seeing you.

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