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​Parish Defibrillators

About the Parish Defibrillators

We are fortunate to have three life-saving defibrillators in the Parish which are actively maintained and financially supported by the Parish Council.

If you would like to know more about how you can get involved and support these important devices, please use the Contact Us below


In early 2016, a decision was made that the Parish should try and secure funding for three defibrillators. 


1) outside the Village Hall in Great Shefford

2) inside the telephone box in Shefford Woodlands and

3) stand-alone defibrillator at the entrance of Blakeney Fields.


After a short period of time, due to village fund-raising, multiple grants and donations, totalling £10K, we were able to go ahead with this project with the first machine installed on the wall outside the Village Hall, followed by the second machine installed in the telephone box in Shefford Woodlands.  The third machine in Blakeney Fields took longer to be installed due to it needing its own electricity supply.


Adequate contingency funds were set aside to pay for the ongoing costs of running the three machines (replacement batteries/pads etc).  Currently the Parish Council is kindly looking at adding financial provision for any upcoming further expenditure in the next few years.


None of the above would have been possible without the tremendous support from so many villagers in the Parish who worked tirelessly to help ensure we secured enough funds to purchase the three defibrillators.

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